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At Gesu School, our sports program is integrated into our mission.

Participation in competitive sports helps form students’ character and teaches them about teamwork, persistence, how to win and how to lose, and commitment. Gesu also recognizes that sports offer an opportunity for fun as well as staying healthy.

Sports Teams

For sports competition with other schools, Gesu is part of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s CYO (Catholic Youth Organization). This organization offers a variety of sports in the fall, winter, and spring of each academic year. Geographically, Gesu is in region 58 of the CYO and complies with CYO rules and regulations for participation in youth sports.
Since Region 58 does not include soccer and baseball, Gesu travels beyond this area to ensure that our students can participate in these sports. For soccer, Gesu participates in Region 1, Northeast Philadelphia. For baseball, our team is in Region 6, South Philadelphia. Starting in the spring 2023 season, Gesu competes in the purple region of area II for track and field.
Gesu typically offers:
  • Soccer (fall): junior varsity boys and girls combined team (grades 5-6)
  • Basketball (winter): junior varsity boys and junior varsity girls (grades 5-6), varsity boys and varsity girls (grades 7-8)
  • Baseball (spring): Grades 6-8 boys
  • Track and field (spring): Grades 4-8 boys and girls (3 levels: novice, minor, and cadet); relays and individual events; shot put and long jump
  • Cross country (new in fall 2023): Grades 1-3 boys and girls (sub-novice level)
  • Cheerleading (new in winter 2023/spring 2024; not in a competitive league): boys and girls
We congratulate these basketball teams for winning the Region 58 championship in 2023-24:
varsity girls, varsity boys, and junior varsity girls
We congratulate these basketball teams for winning the Region 58 championship in 2022-23:
varsity girls, junior varsity girls, and junior varsity boys

Recreational Sports  

In addition to competitive sports, Gesu provides more informal, supportive instruction in recreational sports as part of our Gesu Extra Mile (GEM) program. Recreational GEM sports have included flag football, basketball, baseball, and running club.

GEM is an enrichment program, ranging from arts and cultural opportunities to languages, cooking, and sports. The goal is to offer unique learning experiences beyond the classroom and that are free of charge to families. Gesu faculty and staff teach GEM classes based on students’ interests. GEM programs change each trimester, so students have new options to explore and can socialize with students in other Gesu grades.

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